Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekends are the best.

So in anticipation of Tuesday's events, I thought it'd be great to spend the weekend doing relaxing things: Tom and I bought a little gas grill and had BBQ Friday, we went to Tom's parents and hung out, and I got to spend time in the bathroom waxing the eyebrows (more like "eyebrow")

and doing a home pedicure.

Stress managed.

Hopefully this week will go by quick, and easy. And who knows, maybe lots of good things will happen.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Totally went to a bridal shower today for one of my best friends Brooke. It was really nice. Being there got me thinking about where my life is at, and how grateful I am for everything I've been able to do and share with everyone. Feeling little baby inside me and looking forward to all the stuff Tom and I are gonna do with him. I have a feeling he may be slightly spoiled (within reason i promise). No one likes a brat.

I just gotta get through the next couple of months. The most trying of my entire life. I found out this week that I'm going to have to have my heart surgery before I have the baby, and I'm freaking out a little. I guess with me having the symptoms I've been having worries my cardiologist enough that he doesn't want to wait. So now i get to wear a lead vest on my tummy during the surgery, have a fetal anesthesiologist present, and be mostly awake during the procedure because i cant be put fully to sleep because I'm pregnant. I'm not worried about the surgery, because I have one of the best cardiologists in America doing it. He's done it on pregnant women before. And i should be healed enough to have a normal labor (hopefully with an epidural...but that's a whole different story). Strong little guy.

I just don't want to hurt the baby.

On a lighter note, I'm sitting here watching to my best sense of helpfulness, Tom putting together the crib. It's kind of nice to feel like we're doing something for the baby, not just talking anymore. I do however, need ideas for pictures for his side of the room. We were going to do Where the Wild Things Are, but I don't know if I feel like ordering it off the internet...hmm.

Well, hopefully I'll update before I actually have the baby :) I'll let you know how the heart crap goes. Keep me in your prayers :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

ok so i commit to writing here more.

Since I found out i'm pregnant, i thought this would be a cool place to chat about family stuff and what's goin on. But alas, i am lazy and haven't posted in like 2 months. Well, for anyone that reads this, i'm gonna try to make it a weekly thing and as baby gets around to poking his head out, i will load pics and fun stuff here too. Ok, with that said, today my mom is throwing me a baby shower, so i will be sure to post stuff about that soon!!!