My little boy's second birthday is this month (my how time flies), and my plan is to redo his room. Right now as it is, it used to be my grandmother's office. It has good carpet but the wallpaper is circa 1980 or 90 something, and is totally not meant to breed imagination. So, with some overtime money I've been earning, I'm hoping to buy/make some fun stuff.
I mulled around a couple ideas and thought outer space would be something he could keep for a few years, or until he's old enough to do something that's his idea.
Here are some random things I found surfing the net that might inspire you to use the web for more unique stuff. Enjoy!
I saw this cute homemade space room and it totally inspired me:
I dig the one dark blue wall and one yellow wall - My son's room is a little small to go that crazy, so I think I'll do one wall a shade of dark blue, and the rest an eggshell or yellow-toned white.
I saw these decals on, they are part of the Olive Kid's Out of This World collection. TOTALLY cute for the dark blue wall:
Then I saw that they have curtains. I think I could make my own, but these are really cute too:
I want to go to the fabric store anyway, so I might get a like theme, and get enough to make big floor pillows for next to his book case too.
Went to Ikea and got this stuff:
Also, since I am artistically inclined, The below really cute positive affirmation paintings are adorable, but in the wrong theme. I thought I'd use them as inspiration, and paint spaceships, aliens, planets or something instead of the animals. I found 'em on
This payday I can finally start putting stuff together and making my purchases. I'll post pics of my projects, and the room painting process. I love my little guy - he deserves to have a fun space where he can sleep and play. I hope he'll like it!
More to come!!!