Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Looking out my bedroom window to all the possibilities. So cliche I know. Going to a weight management doctor made me realize that my weight issues are all in my head. I follow their diet with no problems at all. But the mental block for exercise paralizes me. I'm afraid of feeling that exhaustion, it reminds me of the attacks before my heart surgery. Makes me think I'm not good enough to be healthy. Things I used to love doing are harder or make me feel self consious. No wonder big people get bigger. I gotta get over this. I gotta get moving for me. I gotta quit feeling sorry for myself and get going.

But this is where I freeze. I have everything I need, even really good health.

What's stopping me?


I want to feel enthusiastic again.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I'm thinking a lot about direction lately; Where is my life going? What is my career path? Where did time go? What do I want? I'm starting to realize that along with where my decisions have taken me, I need to play it up a bit.

Over the next little while, I am going to be making goals - Some are going to be spiritual, some educational, some motherly, some wifely, some personal, some healthy, some kooky. With that, every post from here on out is going to be a goal focused on enhancing this life, and the lives around me. I am doing things to ensure that I regularly post (I've always wanted to regularly blog but never made it a priority). I hope you join along!

Today, I want to think about what's going on lately, so that I'm able to look forward. I saw a fun post here, and thought it'd be a good way to do that:

A is for age: I am 29, almost 30. I don't want to think about 30 yet lol.
B is for breakfast today: Wheat toast with cinnamon sugar, and a couple clementines.
C is for currently craving: Avocados! Lately I've wanted them with everything.
D is for dinner tonight: I work in the evening, so I'll probably get Del Taco. I haven't been to the grocery store to buy stuff to take.
E is for favorite type of exercise: Yoga. I haven't done it in a while (but that's for another post)
F is for an irrational fear: Blueberries. Those little buggers stain EVERYTHING that touch them. They stain teeth, cute hundred dollar cashmere sweaters that you just bought, the table, everything. And for that, they deserve fear. 
G is for gross food: There are lots out there: Tomatoes, BEANS, brussels sprouts, and anything from Applebee's.
H is for hometown: Salt Lake City, UT
I is for something important: Spitituality and awareness, and my family!
J is for current favorite jam: I think they're talking about fruit preserves...In that case, I love Currant or Blackberry. But if its music, my current favorite is I'm Not the One from The Black Keys 
K is for kids: One care-free, crazy-fun, bubbling 2 year old. Dillon is my life. 
L is for current location: SLC, UT
M is for the most recent way you spent money: I have a nerd obsession - The Sims. Their new expansion Showtime recently came out, and I caved. Dont judge me lol, I've been playing for like 10 years.
N is for something you need: I need to spend more time with my husband. 
O is for occupation: I work for a Bank doing risk evaluations for ACH transactions. 
P is for pet peeve: Nose picking, or just picking in general. Everyone does it, but I don't want the visual. 
Q is for a quote: “Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.”
Deepak Chopra
R is for random fact about you: I like collecting things. I like getting sand from interesting places, I like buying art books, action figures of funny things, nail polish, board games. When I get into something, I want to know it thoroughly, and that means getting a lot of it.  
S is for favorite healthy snack: Snap peas
T is for favorite treat: Nachos - the faker the cheese the better. 
U is for something that makes you unique: I read people pretty well, and if I ever get a moment to myself again I love to create art. 
V is for favorite vegetable: Banana squash. Keeps for a long time, and tastes sooo good!
W is for today’s workout: Workout? (That's another post too) I'll probably go for a walk on my break. 
X is for X-rays you’ve had: Various ankles, a leg, my heart, my brain, my stomach. Looks like pretty much everything hahaha
Y is for yesterday’s highlight: New Girl was hilarious, and the nachos I made rocked. 
Z is for your time zone: Mountain

Thanks for taking the time to read. Next time, I'm going to be writing about my adventure to the dietician.

Jen :)