I'm thinking a lot about direction lately; Where is my life going? What is my career path? Where did time go? What do I want? I'm starting to realize that along with where my decisions have taken me, I need to play it up a bit.

Over the next little while, I am going to be making goals - Some are going to be spiritual, some educational, some motherly, some wifely, some personal, some healthy, some kooky. With that, every post from here on out is going to be a goal focused on enhancing this life, and the lives around me. I am doing things to ensure that I regularly post (I've always wanted to regularly blog but never made it a priority). I hope you join along!
Today, I want to think about what's going on lately, so that I'm able to look forward. I saw a fun
post here, and thought it'd be a good way to do that:
A is for age: I am 29, almost 30. I don't want to think about 30 yet lol.
B is for breakfast today: Wheat toast with cinnamon sugar, and a couple clementines.
C is for currently craving: Avocados! Lately I've wanted them with everything.
D is for dinner tonight: I work in the evening, so I'll probably get Del Taco. I haven't been to the grocery store to buy stuff to take.
E is for favorite type of exercise: Yoga. I haven't done it in a while (but that's for another post)
F is for an irrational fear: Blueberries. Those little buggers stain EVERYTHING that touch them. They stain teeth, cute hundred dollar cashmere sweaters that you just bought, the table, everything. And for that, they deserve fear.
G is for gross food: There are lots out there: Tomatoes, BEANS, brussels sprouts, and anything from Applebee's.
H is for hometown: Salt Lake City, UT
I is for something important: Spitituality and awareness, and my family!
J is for current favorite jam: I think they're talking about fruit preserves...In that case, I love Currant or Blackberry. But if its music, my current favorite is
I'm Not the One from The Black Keys
K is for kids: One care-free, crazy-fun, bubbling 2 year old. Dillon is my life.
L is for current location: SLC, UT
M is for the most recent way you spent money: I have a nerd obsession - The Sims. Their new expansion Showtime recently came out, and I caved. Dont judge me lol, I've been playing for like 10 years.
N is for something you need: I need to spend more time with my husband.
O is for occupation: I work for a Bank doing risk evaluations for ACH transactions.
P is for pet peeve: Nose picking, or just picking in general. Everyone does it, but I don't want the visual.
Q is for a quote: “Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment,
are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a
hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving
your own evolution.”
Deepak Chopra
R is for random fact about you: I like collecting things. I like getting sand from interesting places, I like buying art books, action figures of funny things, nail polish, board games. When I get into something, I want to know it thoroughly, and that means getting a lot of it.
S is for favorite healthy snack: Snap peas
T is for favorite treat: Nachos - the faker the cheese the better.
U is for something that makes you unique: I read people pretty well, and if I ever get a moment to myself again I love to create art.
V is for favorite vegetable: Banana squash. Keeps for a long time, and tastes sooo good!
W is for today’s workout: Workout? (That's another post too) I'll probably go for a walk on my break.
X is for X-rays you’ve had: Various ankles, a leg, my heart, my brain, my stomach. Looks like pretty much everything hahaha
Y is for yesterday’s highlight: New Girl was hilarious, and the nachos I made rocked.
Z is for your time zone: Mountain
Thanks for taking the time to read. Next time, I'm going to be writing about my adventure to the dietician.
Jen :)