Saturday, August 20, 2011

I am a domestic goddess (with a full-time job)

Growing up in Utah, it's a good chance you grew up with a parent or other family member standing over the stove, slaving away over a hot stockpot of something-or-another getting put in bottles and eaten throughout the years.

My Grandma Belva was that lady in my life. she would make everything from salsa, jam, and mustard pickles, to regular dills, peaches, and pears. That stuff always tasted better than the store-bought stuff (and looked a lot better too). Both my mom and my mother-in-law have also influenced me. Apricot jam one year at mom's, and a weekend full of spiciness at my MIL's making salsa.

This year Tom and I want to do it on our own and perpetuate the tradition. We did a little research, and started the garden this spring with everything we'd need. 

So, today I got all my canning gear at Winco. They had the best prices by far for new jars (I didn't check Wal-Mart I refuse to shop there on principle).

Total bill $45.75:
Pints = $6.98x2
Quarts = $7.98x2
OOO and one of those lid wands for $1.50
Fruit pectin = $1.30x2
Small Ball freezer jars 5 count= $2.65x2

 I'm happy! now we'll be able to make our salsa and the spaghetti sauce as the veggies come on.

I think I'll ask Santa to get a pressure cooker for next year. This year we're only doing tomato-based goods. So, between the canning stuff my grandma gave me (pint pot with lifter, funnel and can lifter), and my mom's supplies (quart pot and lifter), I'll do water-bath this year.

Oh, and I almost forgot - Went to Barnes & Noble and got the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving.

That and a mag my mom gave me inspired me to go to fruit way in Brigham City to get fresh fruit to make freezer jam.

I love this lost art, and hope Tom and I can perfect it and keep trying new things. Gimme a holla if you know any good recipes!!



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