Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My sweet grandpa, I love you.

You can't possibly know how much I'm going to miss you. Even though your still with us right now, you're not, really. I am so grateful for the influence you had on me. Taking me to church every Sunday of my childhood was some of the best memories my life. Coming home to the smell of cooking roast after walking home with you.Teaching me how to ride my bike, then later how to drive a car. You would always cut the meat at every meal, and sit at the same spot at the table. You always whistled and sang me little songs. You would always keep me stocked up in veggies during the summer from your huge garden. No matter how down I was, or how hard things got at home, your place was always a constant safe haven that I could feel normal at. Thank you.

Things are changing now, I know that. But I'll always love you.


The Hughes' said...

What happened? Are you okay?

Jen said...

He's very old, and recently his body started to give out on him. His death is near, all the family is staying close by. He was like a dad to me, and I'm going to miss him very very much.