Saturday, February 27, 2010

i LOVE my family.

So it's totally cool. My in-laws went on vacation to GA to visit my brother in law Mike before he's voluntary shipped to Iraq (idk when, but this year). My mom and sister in law Amy were so awesome to take care of baby for that time. My other in-laws Nate and Shaunasee gave us their old big screen.I dont even care that it takes up even more space in our cramped quarters. My grandma cooks the most awesome dinners, and I have never felt closer (in a non-sibling way) to my sisters. It's cool to be surrounded by people you love when life stresses you out.

1 comment:

HurrycaneKatrina said...

I completely concur. It's great to have people who love you support and help you out in the times when you need it the most.

I miss you! And I want to come see your little guy soon!!!